the dance

the dance from Laura Cottril on Vimeo.

“Please send me your last pair of shoes, worn out with dancing as you mentioned in your letter, so that I might have something to press against my heart.”

~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

I shared this piece with a photographer friend the other day and she told me, “this piece is so you.” When I watch it I cry. The music and the visuals of the dance just move me emotionally, a thing of beauty. I feel so honored and grateful to be a witness as these beautiful dancers, with joy lighting their eyes, swirl past my lens. A memory comes to mind of my dad guiding me expertly across the floor at a friend’s wedding. Imagine my surprise that I didn’t know he could do that. I wished he were here now to dance with me. I’m drawn to Vintage like a moth to flame; playing dress up with old bridesmaid dresses in my grandma’s attic, or repeatedly digging in the big trunk in my other grandma’s basement, pulling out dated treasures. My grandmothers and my dad are gone now, but I feel like I’ve come home. I feel them in me and with me while I relive their time.

I am in gratitude to the stunning photographer, Sue Bryce, for her work in educating photographers and the inspiration I received to do my own project from viewing her ballet video. Many thanks also go to the gracious Joan Walton, who invited me to photograph her Sunday Soiree of the Santa Clara Vintage, Waltz and Swing Weekend.

For weeks I have been preparing for The Queen Mary Vintage Festival. Starting from scratch, with some generous friends, to pull together day wear and evening wear, for tours, tea, movies under the stars and dances has had me dreaming for nights on end of lists and to-do’s. Total immersion for four days in a photographic wonderland of Art Deco decor spells heaven right now. I look forward to connecting with my friends and meeting new ones along the way. This world is new to me, it’s doors easily opening, revealing so many pearls and beckoning me forth. So much gratitude for the new fresh path to travel. I will see you on the other side!